woman sitting cross legged eyes with prayer hands and eyes closed

The Power of Putting Yourself First

We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

But for many of us, it’s easy to brush off.

We’re masters of juggling responsibilities, whether it’s work, family, friendships, or any number of other commitments.

The problem is that doing this for months, years, or even decades takes a toll on our own health and wellness.

Why It’s So Hard to Put Yourself First

Let’s be real. The thought of putting yourself first might feel selfish.

There’s this voice that says, “But my kids/grandkids/husband/job/church needs me.”

On top of that, we’ve been conditioned by society to wear our busyness like a badge of honor. The truth is, neglecting your own needs  to burnout, stress, and even chronic health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

And showing up for everyone else without taking care of your own needs means you’re running on fumes. Eventually, that catches up with you.

For many women going through perimenopause or menopause, this is when the body demands more attention than ever before.

The Real Costs of Overlooking Your Needs

It starts small.

Maybe it’s skipping meals because you’re too busy. Or you stay up late, pushing through exhaustion to finish one more thing. You might be using caffeine and sugar to get you through the day.

It seems harmless at first, but over time, these habits chip away at your health.

Chronic fatigue, stress, irritability, and even more serious issues can crop up. Ignoring these signs can lead to bigger problems that impact not just your body but your ability to enjoy life.

To sum it up, you can only put your own needs aside for so long before it shows up in ways that are hard to ignore. And while it might initially feel like you can just “power through,” the long-term costs are too high.

Prioritizing Yourself Isn’t Selfish – It’s Essential

Prioritizing yourself isn’t irresponsible or indulgent.

In fact, it’s one of the most responsible things you can do – for yourself and for the people who rely on you.

Imagine having the energy, mental clarity, and physical well-being to show up fully, not just for them but also for you. That’s what making this shift does – it makes you better equipped to handle the demands of day to day life with grace and joy.

So instead of seeing self care as a luxury, start thinking of it as a form of long-term investment.

When you prioritize your health, everyone around you benefits from a more energized, resilient, and grounded version of yourself.

Practical Steps to Start Prioritizing You

The idea of prioritizing yourself might seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few simple, manageable ways to shift the balance back to you and your wellbeing – without turning your life upside down.

1. Create Micro-Moments of Self-Care

Self care doesn’t have to be about spa days and weekend getaways (although those are nice when you have room for them).

It’s about creating small, intentional moments to check in with yourself. Take a 5-minute stretch break, drink a full glass of water, make a cup of calming tea, or just pause and take some deep breaths.

The effects of these moments are cumulative, creating a domino effect that helps keep your energy and mood steady throughout the day.

2. Set Boundaries That Honor Your Time

Your time is valuable. Learning to say “no” is an act of self-respect.

Every “no” to something that drains you is a “yes” to something that fuels you.

And you don’t have to cut anyone off, but it is important to be mindful of where you’re investing your energy. With clear boundaries, you create space for what truly matters.

3. Fuel Your Body with Purpose

Good nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does need to be intentional.

Start small by incorporating one nutrient-rich meal into your day.

Hormonal changes as we age often demand more thoughtful eating, and simple adjustments can make a huge difference. When you give your body what it needs, it responds by giving you the energy and fortitude to thrive.

4. Move in a Way That Feels Good

Forget the “no pain no gain” mentality.

Instead, focus on movement that makes you feel connected and healthy.

It could be a morning walk, dancing around your living room, or stretching before bed.

Find what feels good to you, and lean into that. The goal isn’t to force yourself into a rigid or overly intense routine – it’s to actually enjoy moving your body.

5. Connect with Like-Minded Women

Transformation is always easier when you’re not doing it alone. Being connected with women who are also prioritizing health and wellness can give you the support, accountability, and encouragement you need to stay consistent.

Whether it’s an online group, in-person gatherings, or working with a coach, don’t underestimate the power of connection.

Prioritizing Yourself is the Path to Longevity and Wellness

Here’s the bottom line: taking care of yourself is the foundation for long-term wellness, especially as we get older. When you start making yourself a priority, everything shifts.

Your energy improves, you’re happier and more confident, and you start showing up for life in a way that feels aligned and powerful.

And if you’re feeling unsure where to start or how to keep the momentum going, that’s where coaching can make all the difference. My role as a coach is to guide you through this process, helping you create sustainable changes that honor your unique needs. I’ll help you build the habits that fuel you, and ultimately, create a life where you thrive – not just survive.

If you’re ready to take the next step, complete a coaching application. After receiving your application, we’ll schedule a call to explore how coaching can support you in reclaiming your energy, confidence, and joy.
