Make Time for You

Reclaim your energy and put you first.
This FREE, virtual event runs January 12th - 14th, 2025.

Welcome! This archive page will include all materials as they are released. (Please note: Access to this page expires on January 22nd.)

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Day 1 - Intentional Indulgence

January 12, 2025

Make Time for You gets started today!

If you want to thrive, self care can help you get there. That’s why today is all about indulging yourself in a supportive way.

Watch the replay of our kick off call above, then share in the Facebook group about your indulgence for today. It should only take you a few minutes. Here are some ideas:

  • If you feel like you've been dragging and dealing with brain fog, indulge yourself by going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier than usual tonight (take a hot shower or bath or pull out your satin pillow cases too - whatever works for you).
  • If you feel scattered and overwhelmed, take five minutes to close your eyes and breathe. Bonus points if you can do this outside or near a window.
  • If you’re dealing with digestive issues, make yourself a cup of ginger tea or go for a short walk.

Let me know what your intentional indulgence will be - or send me a DM! I'm here to support you.

Day 2 - Step into Your Future Self

January 13, 2025

Yesterday, we talked about the challenges that might be getting in the way of really feeling good in your skin and thriving.

So, how did your intentional indulgence go? Did you give yourself that little bit of extra care?

I'm doing this exercise right along with you and went to bed earlier last night. It felt so good get some extra rest. What about you?

Today, let’s shift gears and set aside 5 minutes for a thought experiment.

Have you ever tried this? It's powerful because the way we think shapes how we feel and what we do. And most of the time, we’re so caught up in the day to day that we forget to pause and really reflect on the bigger picture.

Here’s your challenge:

Imagine yourself 3 - 6 months from now.

  • You wake up energized.
  • You’re moving through your days with ease and confidence.
  • You feel like YOU again.

Create a mental picture of what that looks like.

Where are you?

What are you wearing?

Who’s with you?

What does it feel like to be in this version of your life?

You don’t need to overthink it - just let whatever comes to mind flow.

When you’re done, head over to the Facebook group and share your vision.

Now, if you’re tempted to skip this exercise because it feels like a waste of time or like it won't make a difference, think about this:

How can you create something if you don’t have a idea of what you're going for? And why bother fixing your energy, stress levels, etc. if it doesn’t lead to real change in your life?

This is why so many of us stay stuck in the day-to-day grind.

But we're not doing that anymore.

It's like Lisa - my recent client that I mentioned to you in our kick off call yesterday.

When she first started, she was feeling completely overwhelmed. She was constantly exhausted and not sure where to even begin. But something shifted when she started taking small, consistent steps to prioritize herself.

She noticed her energy coming back and started feeling more like herself. One weekend, she completely reorganized her kitchen, which made making healthy meals less stressful and more enjoyable. Then she and her husband started taking walks after dinner — just 10 minutes at first — and it turned into their favorite way to reconnect at the end of the day.

Lisa's story is proof that even small steps can lead to significant change - and you’re already taking one by being here.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about solutions for some of the most common challenges that keep women from thriving.

Until then, take those 5 minutes to dream about your future self - and share your thoughts in our Facebook group!

Day 3 - Rising above roadblocks

January 14, 2025

Over the past two days, you’ve started reflecting on where you are now and what you'd really like your life to look like.

I want to acknowledge you for taking the time and energy to do this - it's not always easy to show up and do the work for yourself where there are so many other things on your to do list.

I hope you're already feeling more clarity and motivation.

Today, let’s talk about what might be standing in your way of reaching the vision you dreamed of for yourself yesterday.

Remember my client Lisa? When she first came to me, she felt completely overwhelmed. She was exhausted, stressed, and didn't know where to start. She told me:

“I’m too busy and have no time.”

“There’s so much conflicting information - I don’t know what to do.”

“I feel like nothing ever works, so why bother?”

Does any of that sound familiar?

Lisa didn’t push through all her challenges overnight. She started with small steps: reorganizing her kitchen to make meals easier and taking short walks after dinner with her husband. Those small steps added up, and before long she was starting possibilities where she once saw obstacles.

What would this look like for you?

Think: What’s one big challenge standing between you and the beautiful future you imagined?

Act: What’s one small baby step you can take today to work around it?

When you have your answer,
share it in our Facebook group. If you’re stuck, we can brainstorm some ideas!

Remember, your brain will often tell you all the reasons you can’t do something when you're thinking of trying something new - that’s normal. But you’re here because you’re ready to rise above those roadblocks.

Me with sushi

Hi, I'm Kaya

I’m a Precision Nutrition certified health coach on a mission to help women who are ready to make a real lifestyle change for their health and wellness.

Because not too long ago, I was exactly where you are.

Dragging myself out of bed in the morning, relying on coffee and sugar to get through the day, and feeling sluggish at best.

But I learned along the way that with the right tools, it’s possible to rebuild our energy and feel like ourselves again - even in a busy, unpredictable world.

So, if you want to feel more energized, more confident, and more like YOU stepping into 2025, sign up for this free, virtual event.

See you there!

Copyright 2024 Naturally You
