Despite all of the stress-inducing news surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, there are small things each of us can do that go a long way to keep us grounded. Read on for a few ideas.
1) Connect with friends, family, and neighbors
We are often so busy with work commitments and nonstop activities that stray text messages or social media comments may be the only way you communicate with friends and family for days or weeks at a time. Phone calls are rushed or non-existent.
If you suddenly have a little more bandwidth in your day, try sending an old school letter in the mail.
Offer small kindnesses – just today, a neighbor told us to let her know if we needed any toilet paper. As strange as that would have been several months ago, we so appreciated her generosity! If you have extra supplies or food, consider sharing the wealth.
If you’ve been blessed with a steady income, gift cards delivered by email are another way to brighten someone’s day. Whether for a health care or grocery store worker you barely know or a friend celebrating a birthday without the usual festivities, this is a great opportunity to show someone you care and support a business that may be struggling at the same time.
Take the time to curl up in a comfy spot and call your best homegirl, even if it’s only for 15 minutes after the kids have gone to bed. You’ll laugh, reminisce, and release endorphins that will relax you and make you feel good.
2) Express yourself
Tough day got you clenching your fists? Whether family drama, financial stress, or fear around staying healthy – don’t hold in your emotions. Nothing adds tension to your sacred body like unreleased frustrations.
Write in a journal, sing a song, or turn up the music and rock out. Sketch, paint, bead, crochet, sew, bake, sculpt, decorate, dance! Turn negative energy into positive energy through self-expression.
3) Pamper yourself
Don’t deny yourself the maintenance and pleasure your mind, body, and spirit deserve. You’ve earned that DIY mani-pedi, facial, or scalp massage after kicking butt all week.
Pencil a spa date into your schedule just like you manage to make time for everyone else in your life.
Home spa treatments can turn your bathroom into a hydrotherapy chamber and make self-pampering a breeze.
Bathe, exfoliate, and massage your beautiful self with natural elements that heal through aromatherapy and nourishing ingredients.
4) Sit quietly
Reduce your fears and worries by taking a moment to catch your breath. Meditate, clear your mind of clutter, and lighten your heart.
We must bring the madness racing through our minds to an end before we self destruct. Slowing down gives us a chance to see past our current situations and envision the big picture, allowing us to gain perspective and sort through our options.
Try taking a nature walk in a secluded place or find a quiet place to sit and reflect (even if that’s in your car right now). Breathe deeply and let it go.
5) Exercise
We all know the many benefits of exercising. Nothing will keep you looking and feeling more alive, fit, and energetic, and provide an amazing confidence boost like working out.
While you’re strengthening your body and increasing your energy, you’re simultaneously relaxing the mind.
It’s all about you! Get moving; it’s a win-win situation.
Did you know?
Aromatherapy is the art and science of using naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize, and promote the health of body, mind, and spirit.
The scents used in aromatherapy come from essential oils. These oils can be placed in a bath, mixed into a salve, used in a spray bottle, in a diffuser, mixed with a carrier oil for massage, and many other applications.
For stress-busting aromatherapy, try chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, or ylang ylang essential oils.
*As always, check with your doctor or trusted health care provider before starting a new essential oil regimen.
About the Author

Terina Nicole Hill is a freelance arts/culture writer and the designer behind Jypsea Leathergoods, an eco-friendly line of handbags and accessories. She is also the founder of the Fashion Designer Center of South Jersey. Keep up with her at and @theterinanicole.
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